The Inter-Group Association of Alcoholics Anonymous of New York, Inc., fondly referred to as New York Inter-Group (“NYIG”) is an association formed by New York area A.A. groups to help fulfill their primary purpose — carry the A.A. message to still-suffering alcoholics.
NYIG is often the first A.A. contact point for people who think they may have a problem with alcohol. Since 1946, NYIG has been the information exchange center for A.A. groups in the greater New York City area for events and matters concerning A.A. as a whole. NYIG is a partnership of A.A. groups just as A.A. groups are partnerships of AA members, and NYIG is your association. You, and each and every member of A.A. in the greater New York City area, are members of NYIG through your membership in one of the local A.A. groups. NYIG’s Twelfth Step work is facilitated by A.A. member volunteers supported by a handful of paid employees. To become an A.A. member volunteer at NYIG please visit the Get Involved page at or call us.